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May 20, 2024
Crew 2024
May 20, 2024

2024 Crew has arrived! Crew members are as follow 4 H2A : Johan van Niekerk, Buks de Jager, Etienne de Jager and Qauntin Fourie. Two employees from South Africa on a Perm labor Visa Mynhardt and Manette Erasmus. On our Management side we have Vince Mattson , Kerry Mattson and Janice Mattson . Vince and Kerry Kids Brie and Conner Mattson will be adding a big help in this upcoming Harvest 2024.

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April 24, 2024

2024 Spring Seeding

Spring 2024, seeding time ! on April 18 2024 crop seeding has started. With seeding our spring crop of Lentils, Canola, Mustard , Chickpeas and Spring Wheat.

September 2, 2021

Coming home!

Mattson Farms finished harvest on August 31, 2021. Although it is always a great feeling to have completed this operation, signaling the completion of a crop year, this year came with

June 10, 2021

Crops in Stress

“Barley not cuttable” -- This photo is a close-up of what much of the barley grown in 2021 looks like. The plant has run out of moisture and was not able to grow a “head” which would

September 2, 2021

Coming home!

Mattson Farms finished harvest on August 31, 2021. Although it is always a great feeling to have completed this operation, signaling the completion of a crop year, this year came with

April 24, 2024

2024 Spring Seeding

Spring 2024, seeding time ! on April 18 2024 crop seeding has started. With seeding our spring crop of Lentils, Canola, Mustard , Chickpeas and Spring Wheat.